350,000 Leaks
“350,000 Leaks” launch a temporary installation of a live radio broadcast from inside the museum depot’s freezer. The institutional ecology, the extremely controlled, secured and sealed site will leak. Restricted spaces within the museum that form the institutional climate of objects, such as freezers, climate control rooms, depots, and water pipes, will have a voice on live radio.
The project is inspired by Masachi Adao’s Fukerion (landscape) theory of Japanese radical cinema of 1968, which explains that the power state is located in the scenery of ordinary daily life. The soundscape of “350,000 Leaks” will allow the listener to follow the route in the depots and freezer of the Wereldmuseum Amsterdam. We will listen to sceneries that objects in the depot hear and release them from the temperature dissonance between their original and current landscapes through sounds. The session will uncover invisible institutional power structures and associated rhetorics of temperature to extend them to sensually recognizable political ones.
During this live soundscape, the motif of movement, the audience will remotely participate in this walk through sounds and deep listening in site-specific locations, the immortal device, while the session is held onsite in minus 20-25 degrees Celsius. It will create an open space, where we can have temporary moments of belonging to the space and its histories, and ask how a hegemonic climate identity has been established through uprooted bodies and what kinds of temperature we can set up in between us.

Image documentation of the live radio in the freezer. Depot of Wereldmuseum, Amsterdam, 2024. © Konstantin Guz
Cast: Merapi Obermayer, Mei Ling Wan, Fransisca Angela
Project supported by Repair Lab, Pressing Matter, Live radio broadcast, operated by online radio Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee. 2024.